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Hello everyone! Working on making this the home of my Garfield-related research and tidbits.

I have a few different things that I'm working on, and I hope to get them polished up enough to preview here.

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MARCH 2024

Just got this website up and running! Hoping to add a project I am working on now soon. I have been doing general research for a long time and have picked a few things I want to focus on for more in-depth analysis. Right now I am still in the information-collecting phase of everything, but I have at least started writing and organizing my sources. Not sure if I want to turn these projects into videos or just leave them as written articles. I don't have much experience making videos and don't have any video editing software, but I definitely am interested in trying to put something like that together. For now I'm just happy to keep doing research and piecing things together and hope to put together a coherent article that I can feel good about and use as a jumping off point for more research/projects. Hopefully having this website up will help to motivate me to keep working!